BMW Ralley first impressions

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Race Dog
Jan 7, 2008
Reaction score
BMW (all models)
So we picked up two Ralley bikes in George on Saturday and here are my initial impressions.  Now it could probably apply to any new LC – I have no idea – last time I was on a 1200 was on the pre-LC models.  Anyway what struck me immediately is that it is a good looking colour scheme.  Before the Ralley I only liked orange (such as in KTM orange) and calamata (such as in my previous F800).  The new colours are really striking.

On the road (and we still riding them in – so keeping the revs under 5000) the bike pulls really strong and smooth (but again as I said maybe all new LCs are like this).  The quick shifter is seriously smooth on the up.  Did not use it for downshifts – just feels wrong to shift down without a clutch.  Wind protection on the small screen is probably not to everyone’s taste but I actually enjoyed having free flow of air and the increased visibility.  It did bugger me around hellova lot when we hid a strong south easter just before the Gauteng barrier (du toits kloof tunnel).  The endure helmet probably contributed to that.

On the road my gat got sore pretty quickly. But you can move your bud around nicely so it should not be too much of an issue unless you a kla gat.  It’s got lots of electronics.

We did a few gravel kilometres (well basically to the chalets in Bontebok park) and it behaves quite well on loose stones.  Came with road tires and we did not bother letting the air out.  Lots of loose stones and I must say standing up on this bike it really feels extremely comfortable.  Much better than the 800 and better than my previous two 1200ADVs.  I don’t know what about it makes the difference but it was the most comfortable offroad gravel road ride standing up that I had in a long time.  Sitting down is comfortable on gravel as well.

So am I sorry for not waiting for the Ralley with sports suspension (or as they call it down under the Ralley x).  Well no – the bike already for me rides hard (and I can just imagine that the stiffer Ralley sport will kill your ass in no time long distance).  I don’t plan to jump huge jumps so the few we did on way to Bontebok it never bottommed out on the endure setting.

Great bike – great colour.  Lots of technology.  Great power. Great handeling.  Not a bad bike at all. 