Moral dilemma after incident on run. Moral and legal advice needed

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Race Dog
Nov 28, 2006
Reaction score
Cape Town Parow
My Amageza practice run ended in a a bit of a disaster today, and ended in a rescue / response / recovery.  :eek7:

My question is, where do I stand legally and morally if things go horribly wrong on a ride that I organize informally?

We mobilized quickly, with a 4x4 and paramedic rushing to get there. It still took 1.5 hours before we could get the rider out.

Only a collar bone, but anything more seriously could have had serious consequences.

I organized the ride, and had people standing by just in case.  :deal: I have done this route, and I knew it could get a bit rough out there.
I felt this was my moral responsibility, and I sorted things out fast. But fast still took 1.5 hours.  :eek7:

I know we are not supposed to play ambulance with private vehicles, as there are some more legal consequences with that as well. But in most places we ride, any normal address would not even get close.

I am not prepared to have people sign waivers before a ride, and I expect that they understand the risks. But would someone's wife or parent feel the same if there are serious injuries, or God forbid a fatality?

I absolutely love organizing rides and helping the newbs out on their first rides, but am I not exposing myself here? And do I always have to arrange for a standby 4x4 and paramedic? Or is this every rider's own responsibility? I have public liability insurance, but would that come into play?

Legal and moral advice welcome. Even from J-dog and 2SD  :pot: