Suggestion on how to plan a ride.

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Bachelor Dog
Sep 26, 2007
Reaction score
Gauteng - Centurion
Suzuki DR650
Hi all.

I've noticed that the threads in the 'planning a ride' section become very long, muddled and messy very quickly, and I see other riders also get tired of reading six pages of blah blah blah just to find out the date and time of a ride.

Here's my suggestion. The person who organizes naturally starts the thread. If you look at a post, you will notice that you can modify a post. What you do is to only put the official date, time and place in the first message of the thread. If you need to change any data for any reason, you go back to page one to your first thread and change it there by hitting the 'modify' button.

In this way, any person who want to get the correct date and time just needs to go to the very first message of the thread.
Hope this is uselful.