West Coast Explorer: Cape Town to Hondeklipbaai

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There is a piece of the Wild Coast which I failed to explore on a previous trip, and would like to do. It would be great if some of the WD's wanna come with! I don't think this piece of coast is somewhere I want to be stuck alone, cause where I (we) plan to go, there's nothing but sand and sea.

This is the route:
- Follow the closest roads to the sea, on the West Coast from Cape Town to Hondeklipbaai. Hondeklipbaai is WSW from Kamieskroon, on the coast. riders with T4A will have seen the road on the coast from Lambertbay to Hondeklipbaai (Also called Platklip Point on MapSource).

My wife and I did this same road up to Groenriviersmond, then swung inland to refuel at Garies. From there we took a normal gravel road to Hondeklipbaai.

The plan is too stick to the coast, which means a 150km of hardcore riding. The okes on the 4x4 forums reckon you need three days. I reckon we can do it in 2. The road is sandy jeep track with deep ruts.

The last place for fuel would be Koekenaap. From there the next fuel will only be in Garies, +/- 263km from Koekenaap. We will have to overnight one night or maybe two in this stretch. It all depends on how hard we ride the first day.

Here's a planned itinerary. Just node that no itinerary I have made for a trip, ever worked out that way!  :biggrin:

Friday 2009/06/31 2009/07/31, 06:00
  • Depart from the Total Richwood.
  • Ride as far as we can.
  • pitch tent somewhere on the coast, and overnight

  • Ride as far as we can, hopefully arrive at Hondeklipbaai.
  • Sleep in a tented camp. They have a little restaurant they open when more than 2 people pitch up. With beer! I will arrange everything with them before hand so they have enough beer, and arrange for meat for us to braai as the camp as a place for a moerse bonfire in the middle. Hot showers, beds and all.

Return to Cape Town via Garies, taking whatever roads we feel like taking.

What we'll need:
  • Enough fuel for a range of 400km. As we will be riding in sand, your bike's gonna suck juice big time, depending on your skill level. Trust me, after this trip, you will have no fear of sand.
  • Tent. If you wanna share, you can probably have one bike with the tent, he's mate with the sleeping bags, to share the load.
  • Food for two days.
  • Water for two days.
  • Small personal medikit.
  • Emergency tools for your bike, incl puncture kit, whatever you need.

Why do you need 2 days of food and water? Well, your bike might break, and for us to get to civilization and send someone back for you might take two days. We are going to be stuck on this road for two days, and one night anyway. So the extra food is for safety.

Water: Your bike might boil. You might boil! ;D

If all this seems a bit hectic, think of it like this. I did 80% of this route with my bike weighing 400kg and my wife on the back. So I reckon one up with some luggage is gonna be a jol.

Please sign up:
  • If you are confident in your skills and can ride a heavy bike through adverse terrain
  • If you can do emergency repairs on your own bike. Flat tyres and such.
  • If you want to see the most beautiful coastline ever.
  • If you have a keen sense of adventure.
  • If you are a sucker for punishment.

Please do not sign up:
  • If having a bos-k@k offends your principles.
  • If you have never ridden sand. You will not, I repeat, WILL NOT survive this trip. Your bikes gonna break,  (overheat, due to loss of airflow), you gonna break (Extended periods of duck-walking is tiring), we will hate you! (due to having to wait for you)
  • If your bikes tops out at 130. (coming back on Sunday is gonna be fast.
  • If you lack a keen sense of adventure.

As a conclusion:
This will not be a race. But to survive this road, one must be able to ride at least 40-50 km/h constantly. There is NO MEDICAL FACILITIES in a radius of 100km from there. There is NO CELLPHONE reception.

Its going to be a adventure okes, camelman-style :biggrin: I hope you guys will join me.

Below are some pics:

A piece of the road:


Hondeklipbaai Tented camp.
